Helping 40-50 year old women kick pain to the curb and return to their playful lifstyle


A physical therapist helping hardworking women pushing through with daily frustration and irritating pain from previous injuries that leaves you saying “I guess I’m just old” and continually blaming yourself for not exercising and taking medication just to sleep. Leaving you with daily frustration with your body, your family and colleagues. I love to help you restore ease inside your body that leaves you saying HELL YES to playing with all the small and big kids in your life.

I love working with you because I was you!

Want to learn more about why I do what I do?

I’m Dr. Lisa!

Where to?

Go from waking up every morning with irritating pain that you are “hoping will one day go away” leaving you drained of energy when you come home to saying “Hell Yes” to playing ball outside with your kid and feeling 100% confident in your body

Looking to optimize your time and get clear on exactly what you need to do …

Discover weekly tips and inspiration to keep you moving

Looking for connection and community ...

Here for the juicy details?

Read on!

Lisa Massie DPT
Is this you?

You’re an optimistic and physically strong woman who loves helping clients and employees feel fully supported by all that you do?

The problem is... 

You’re struggling to feeling supported in your own body 

Can you relate?   

You’re waking up with the same daily pain, thinking “it will get better some day”, even though you’d tell your friend to get help.

You’re opening your laptop hours after the work day is over, even though you’d tell your employees life/work balance is vital

You’re super stiff when you get up from sitting for more than an hour and you think “I know I should use my foam roller now…I will tomorrow”

You dread talking about travel adventures because you need a full day to recover OR you have to take medication that makes you feel shitty.

Like the hard worker you are… you keep plugging on —

until one day, after a hard day of work —

you come home and crash on the couch…

You often think “If I had the time to do things I ask my clients/employees to do, I know I wouldn’t be struggling with this pain!”. 

Then it happens and your kid comes up to give you a hug and says “You want to play?”

Your heart explodes with joy and you think “It’s amazing they still want to play with me.”

That feeling is short lived because the punch in the gut happens when you say “I can’t today honey, I’m just so tired” and you see the look on your kids face sink when you say No, Again.

You’ve been struggling with pain for years, but you’ve managed to push through because you were an athlete and you were brought up to “suck it up”.

But now you’re starting to struggle with fatigue at the end of your day. You blame your pain on old injuries from being a competitive athlete and now all of a sudden you are “old”.

So you've tried...
Lisa Massie DPT

You’ve tried to fight the clock and you’re determined to have your body feel like it did when you were 22 AND still have your wise 47 year old brain so you:

Research, Google and YouTube to gain information and exercises but nothing works! Leaving you feeling scared and confused that you may have something way more serious going on

Seeing and talking to your doctor who gave 5 minutes, advice to “reduce your stress and sleep better” and a prescription for medication. When you leave the office your head is spinning and you’re feeling totally deflated that your doctor couldn’t give you more time to help you understand where your pain is coming from.

Bootcamp, you find yourself hurting even more than you did before you went and you’re now sleeping worse than before which makes you truly believe you are too old to be doing it.

But you still find 
yourself thinking:

“If I could just fix my shitty posture, I’d feel better”

OR “If I could just trade out my back for a newer model life would be so much easier.”

Then when you start to logically think you cannot trade out your back you start to believe you’re lazy and you just need to get up earlier to workout out, push through and your pain will magically feel better.

And that leaves you feeling defeated that this daily persistent physical pain has to be a part of life.

You’re not alone and you’re not doing anything wrong!

I see you and I can help!

The truth is…

You’re doing amazing things, by gaining information and listening to what everyone is telling you what to do.  

But I’m curious, has any healthcare pro asked what you need for your pain and how is the pain affecting your everyday life?

Are you trying to fit generic movements and wellness advice to address your specific pain into your unique lifestyle?

You’re an awesome strong woman pro who is deserving of care from another awesome strong woman pro who gets you!

So If you’re ready to free yourself from pain, by knowing exactly what you need to do and create a plan that makes sense for your lifestyle

So you can unapologetically play every single day that leaves you with a heart exploding with pure joy

and EWM can help you!

I’m ready to help!

Using my FLOW Method, you and I will:

Establish the FOUNDATIONS of wellness that matter to you.

LEARN the root of where your pain is coming from and sustainable strategies that work to reduce it.

OWN your recovery - develop a recovery movement routine that works for your unique goals.

WIN! Celebrate your accomplishments that are moving you towards your life that allows you to move in ways that make your heart explode with joy everyday!

By getting support to FLOW

You can enjoy getting back to your movement routine with full trust in your body.

Best of all….enjoy the full journey of a road trip (not just the destination) by working with me, I can guarantee, the journey will be fully supportive and fun!

I can help you go:


Feeling overwhelmed with daily pain, keeping you spinning your wheels  trying “all the things”  that are suppose to “fix” your pain that you can’t stick with for longer then 3 days.

Being totally confused on all the exercises that you “should” be doing to move your body in the “correct way” so you do nothing at all.

Making excuses and constantly telling yourself that your lazy because you can’t commit to that fun bootcamp with your buddies


✔︎ Feeling like a wonder woman ready to move, sweat and laugh at bootcamp with your friends with your advocate and supporter here to cheer you on!

✔︎ Having pinpoint clarity on optimal movements that make sense to you to reduce pain and improve flexibility and strength that your confident you can commit to

✔︎ Discover sustainable strategies that help you calm your pain

If you still aren’t sure where to start…

I would love to chat!

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