A picture’s worth 1,000 words

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words (this one is 1,076 😊)

This picture may bring different feelings and beliefs to each and everyone of you.

But let me tell you how this picture came to be

This picture is one of pure vulnerability for me

In the spirit of one of my mentors posting

Let people know the work you did to get here and that it didn’t happen overnight

I’d like to share this story about this picture

Because 3 years ago,

❌ Never would I ever have

👉🏻 a picture of me in a 2 piece (which I now see you can't tell, but I'm in one!)

👉🏻taken a random Friday morning to literally lay in the pool without an agenda

👉🏻 Asked for help from my daughter to take this

I wanted to give a recap of HOW I got to this seemingly casual picture

Feb ‘21 my SIL reached out about a side job opportunity at her gym. It took me awhile but eventually I said “Yes!”

I went into the gym, expecting young adults with acute injuries and instead I found people my age craving to be heard from a medical provider that didn’t tell them to Stop doing what they loved.

They wanted to be in safe space to talk to be open and figure out what they could do to get better and return to what made them happy.

At the same time

The professional organization I belong to was hosting a virtual conference and where I learned about business coaching and when I heard my first coach, Julie, speak

I worked with her coaching program from March ‘21- June ‘22 to “learn about business” but holy shit it was SO MUCH more than that.

I started learning about emotions, feelings, limiting beliefs, radical self responsibility, radical self compassion and all this other shit I had NEVER allowed myself to recognize as an adult!

I learned how to say No, ask for help and allow vulnerability to start to show (and wowza, it was scary)!

When I first joined in March ‘21 I was a numb human being covered by a robot exterior with a lava monster burning inside ( just like the one from Moana 😳)

Even though I was trying so hard and doing the things like

✅Meditating 3 days a week

✅Walking a few nights a week

✅Mobility exercise

✅ 3-4 family dinners each week

✅ living in the home and yard of my dreams

But there was a deep dark secret…

I was still struggling

with pain, exhaustion and feeling disconnected from

💔The family I hold dear

💔The hard worker I hold inside and never gave any credit to

💔The Earth’s magical moments

Going through her coaching program

I had many breakthroughs that were NOT subtle and I had to do a lot of digging with the help of my coach and cohort of teammates

I had to dig down deep and take responsibility of where I was in life and the choices I decided to make

  • Saying Yes when I wanted to say No

  • Giving my all to work, the clients I served and the people I managed

  • Shaming myself daily for all the shit I should’ve been doing to look like a perfect picture of health, but I couldn’t because I simply “had no time”

Through this process I had to take a break, a real break.

I quit my job & paused my new side job

My coaches kept encouraging me to get really still

My heart & mind could agree on this, because since I worked in a PT clinic since 1999, I would constantly encourage people to SLOW DOWN, because that is where healing happens.

But it was easier said than done

I had neglected caring for my body for at least 7 years and I was struggling with

  • weight gain

  • pain with sitting

  • and self shame.

I had to start getting PT for my own body and really practice what I preach, especially being a pain science nerd!

From May ‘21 to Aug ‘21 that’s exactly what I did.

I started to get care for my body AND worked on getting EwM together.

I could finally get somewhat still, at least for 15 minutes.

I wanted to help busy hard working passion driving women

who struggle with pain, balance, incontinence,, sleep & stress, gain clarity, stillness and ease so they can live the life of their dreams.

But to Support Women, I had to let people know I exsisted. But I was really scared to put myself out there on a website, because it probably wasn’t perfect, since I knew nothing about web design, I was trained PT, not a biz person.

Until one day a client said, “just put your website up so they know you’re a real business.”

So I did, and published an imperfect website!

But I did want to learn how I could make it better AND learn about SEO and social media stuff, so I then hired other experts and consultants in the field!

So by June ‘22 I now finally had the body, mind and heart to be able to get mostly still and make small steps in the journey of progress each day

And in August ‘24, I now know my “seasons” and when I know I need help and hire people BEFORE it gets out of hand.

So back to the picture.

This happened because every single day for 3 years I’ve taken small steady steps on progressing to change WITH SUPPORT.

I’m continuing to embrace imperfection, self confidence, self compassion & self responsibility with a mindset of love and learning.

These 3 years have not been easy, but they have been life changing and I now know how to do things like

💜 ask for help

💜accept myself for the person I am RIGHT now AND I can continue to make progress along the journey

💜say NO to the activities that are NOT aligned with the mission I have

💜Enjoy connecting each and every day with myself, my family and the Earth.

This seemingly casual picture represents all of this work.

With a Group and 1:1 coaching program where growth mindset women needing this support to gain clarity, confidence and a roadmap of how to get there.

I’m teaming up with my buddy, Gina, a life strategy coach, to help you at this PIVOTal moment of your life.

And Now I’m Ready to Support You, the one who knows she needs a change but doesn’t know where to start.

The one feeling that internal friction & frustration with her life right now, and thinking she “should be satisfied and fulfilled” But deep down, doesn’t truly feel this way.

With a Group and 1:1 coaching program where growth mindset women needing this support to gain clarity, confidence and a roadmap of how to get there.

I’m teaming up with my buddy, Gina, a life strategy coach, to help you at this PIVOTal moment of your life.

Click Link Below to Sign up for the Interest List for our new Group and 1:1 coaching program -

More info will be released on Aug 26th!

~ Dr. Lisa

Lisa Massie

Medical Movement Maven - Doctor of Physical Therapy - Orthopedics - Women’s Health - Holistic care


Meet Dr. Lisa Massie - Medical Movement Maven


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