EWM is 1 year πŸŽ‰

Happy 1 year Anniversary Evolving with Motion

A year ago I fully committed to

ripping off the bandaid

embracing the fact that I truly want to become an Awesome Sauce Lady Boss and owner of a PT & Wellness practice

A practice that has been able to

have been touched by 93 clients

provide PT differently then expected

provide 93 people a safe space to be seen and heard by a medical provider that cares about what matters most to them

It's the greatest reward to know clients have found comfort with deep

Trust between us

Gratitude to share their full history

Joy in finding what matters and works best for their life to keep moving

I never thought this journey was possible

Until I slowed down and learned how to connect with what my heart once again.

Finally LISTEN to what I wanted from the depths of places I had no idea even existed (and still finding!)

The path has not been fully and ... BUT I know I will never want to have another path

It has been joyful, exciting and adventurous path because of the incredible support around me

The fact that I get to walk in each and everyday

See clients that are ready to commit to work


Know they have support they are craving

Makes for what I'm on a mission to create

Healthy Healthcare that is sustainable for both client and provider.

I would like to say a deep and loving thank you to so many people

But I will keep it to this...

Thank you

My supportive husband, mom/dad and children for your love, support and understanding as I have transitioned over this past year (and your tolerance of ALL the journals I have laying everywhere!)

The incredible coaches for helping me turn my hips and get out of my own way

My new community of unbelievable PT's and health coach buddies from all over the country and Canada, that no matter what, they have my back

The amazing 93 clients that have shown up

πŸ™ to connect for clarity

πŸ™ get help they are so deserving of

πŸ™ do the work they agree to do

I am 1 year into this journey and as I grow from a seedling and start to sprout through the soil and see the sun light

I am grateful for all of the love and support each and everyone of you provide by cheering me on!

It is truly a blessing to serve you, your loved ones and even your co-workers.

I have a destination in mind for EWM, but how I'm getting there is the fun.

I will continue to embrace the mess, the ebbs and flows as they go

Thank you for showing up and reading this blog

Happiness with Motion

~ Dr. Lisa

Lisa Massie

Medical Movement Maven - Doctor of Physical Therapy - Orthopedics - Women’s Health - Holistic care


There is No perfect chair


Meet Dr. Lisa Massie - Medical Movement Maven