Well That’s Interesting…

I went to bed, excited about the next day.

Hosting an event in my office.

Sure the nerves were there, but my excitement was greater!

I couldn’t wait for these women to connect, show up and dip their toe into self love.

But that morning, I woke up, feeling like BLAH.

So I did what I normally do to move through that feeling

  • Meditation

  • Walk

  • Eating breakfast

But Nothing could shake this feeling.

And the thing is I’m passionate about what I do, who I serve and showing up in my authentic self is of highest priority.

So when I couldn’t shake this feeling, I was going to have to cancel this event for these women who put time aside to show up for themselves

Which meant I had to take hard look in the mirror and give myself a pep talk

“Lisa, you NEED TO JOURNAL..You haven’t for weeks and clearly nothing else is working.”

But my brain said back: “I can’t! I lost my journal a few weeks ago, it’s somewhere else and I have to use that journal”

And then Logical Lisa looked in the mirror with “mother eyes” and gently said “Lisa…you don’t need a perfect journal. Grab a piece of paper and something to write with and check in. Because you need to hear what is going on”

<<<<<Side Note: This practice did not come overnight…I had support when starting a journal practice>>>>>>>

So I listened to my higher self. I got the stupid paper and pen. And I wrote.

First - I was angry I had lost my favorite journal

Then - I saw I was upset I couldn’t attract more clients to this event

Next - I was sad I wasn’t reaching my audience

But it was more then sad, I couldn’t put an emotion on it, until I looked at my feelings wheel. And there it was. Staring back at me…


Well That’s Interesting (and let’s be honest, it SUCKS!)

And with writing more I found, because I felt like I wasn’t doing enough, attracting enough, working hard enough, being organized enough. I had the case of the “Not Enough-ness” which meant I was insignificant.

Growing up as an athlete who pushed through to get ENOUGH gold medals to show success.

As a former employee who had to show consistent productivity to prove I was ENOUGH in my job.

And hearing people constantly say “I’m busy” with a chipper voice, as if this what we need to say to make sure others know we have successful ENOUGH lives.

This pattern had been running the show. And it was ugly. It is NOT what I believe.

I saw it, I cried about it, got a hug from my family, took some deep breaths and decided 3 people was ENOUGH! And the Blah feeling dissipated and my energy was restored! Hip Hip HOORAY!


I realized what I was doing is ENOUGH.

Spreading love & kindness is always enough.

If you are struggling with constant stress, making you wake up feeling “Blah” most mornings and you’re ready to restore your vibrant energy to get back to your playful life. I am here to help you with it.

You deserve help from a healthcare professional who gets it and I am here to serve you too!

Here is a link to Inspiration on YouTube to

Let it Be Enough

xo, Lisa 💜

Lisa Massie

Medical Movement Maven - Doctor of Physical Therapy - Orthopedics - Women’s Health - Holistic care


My Reflection on Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness on this 4th of July 2024


Unlocking Self-Love: A Path to Self-Care & Healing