Unlocking Self-Love: A Path to Self-Care & Healing

When you read the title, what happened?

Did you roll your eyes, soften into curiosity, or were you all in? 

However you reacted, know all of these human reactions are welcome and thank you for being here.

And I see many of you, rolling your eyes and saying Self Care is Selfish! I get it, I was there too!

So how did this former eye rolling anti-self care woman get to write this article?

Because, I chose to go on a journey of becoming an entrepreneur in my hometown…and then “It” hit the fan. 

More specifically, “it” came from a simple question from my business coach.

“What does the stand alone YOU do for fun?” 

My heart started pounding and my brain was like the 3 dots you get when you are awaiting an anticipated text message

But NOTHING showed up.

 All of a sudden, I, Lisa, the one whose middle name is FUN,

(ok, it's Marie, but you get the point)

couldn't come up with any answer of what I did for fun.  And scared the “it” out of me. 

What happened next is a winding road of finding myself again.  The major shift that had to happen was loving myself for who I am, right now, in this moment.

Without Love, I couldn’t move forward.

Because when life forces you into a change in life, whether it’s self-realization, physical injury, hormonal transition, caretaking change or losing a loved one. 

You can be consumed by the “If’s in life, like, “If I made the right decision I wouldn’t be this way. I would’ve had a better handle on my life.”  When it was never one decision that got you here.  It was thousands of little decisions, most that you had no control over.  

The fact is, change comes no matter what. And when you get  stuck in the past for not making the “right” decisions, you tend to get stuck in your body which can feel like, stiffness in joints and/or constipation. 

An overlooked remedy for these human conditions is to love yourself, no matter what, for all the decisions that got you here.

When you start to introduce love for the present you.  You start to care for yourself, aka Self Care.  You realize the simple steps heal your physical body and over time you stop shaming yourself for losing a handle on your life.

Which for me, led me back to finding fun.

You deserve to know when you choose to love then care for you, it means you no longer feel a victim to life’s changes and instead see the power you hold within.  When you see you for who you truly are. 

and Love ALL of your sides, your love will spread like a welcomed wildfire and you heal yourself and others heal along the way, simply by loving you.

If you’re ready to start to explore what self love to lead to your own self care for your incredible body.

I’m here to help you.

Lisa Massie

Medical Movement Maven - Doctor of Physical Therapy - Orthopedics - Women’s Health - Holistic care


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