Is a Push Gift Still a Thing?

12 and 10 years ago, the absolutely were a thing

Brandon purchased a beautiful amethyst ring for me for the birth of Erica 💜

For Colin

I told him all I wanted was a Jimmy John's Vito Sub and a Cookout Oreo Milkshake

30 minutes after Colin was born, he went out and got me my most favorite comforting meal that I had been missing for 9 months!

Wildly different gifts, but both bring comfort and beautiful birthing memories

The thing is, pushing through life was never an issue for me! 

Is it for You?

I was a professional pusher in life!

So I pushed these kids out!

Erica in 20 minutes (after 24 hours of induced labor)

Colin in 3 minutes (after 12 hours of induced labor)

I literally pushed Colin out at 8pm, because the doctor told me his shift was over then, and I thought...oh hell no!

"You've been with me this WHOLE time during labor, I'm not switching NOW...So buckle up buddy, I'm delivering this baby by 8pm"

And by golly, I DID IT and felt like a wonder woman.....

BUT, then IT Happened

Because I chose to also have an epidural, I couldn't feel the adaptations that were happening and my body couldn't naturally slow down and allow my tailbone to move out of the way, I pushed him out FAST! and Pop went my tailbone!

After the epidural wore off, I had a searing pain to my tail bone and pelvis

By this time I was working as a PT and trained in women's health, so I had an idea of what happened, but I was in a mommy brain fog and the PAIN was real!

I first had a donut, and that was TERRIBLE 

I found the Boppy to sit on for a few days, but then it became terribly uncomfortable, but would work in a pinch

I was so grateful Colin and I had a much easier time with breastfeeding compared to with Erica

But this time the physical pain was overwhelming!

This tailbone dislocation and subsequent subluxation made me want to vomit each time I sat in bed

So there I was, able to adapt to side lying nursing or sitting in a hard chair with support to nurse

Fast forward, the tail bone pain lasted for almost 8 years (not intense all the time, but certainly during parts of my cycle it was worse then others)

And sitting, traveling was the ABSOLUTE WORST, and I LOVE to travel, but this was a real pain my my A**

I'm a women's health and orthopedic PT, and I did EVERYTHING I could do on my own and with the support of other professionals who work on biology

I was dedicated to solving this problem without medications or unnecessary procedures (because the success rate is terrible)

The thing is, because I'm a professional pusher, the one thing I never considered was the importance to slow down!

Each time I tried to SIT to slow down, the pain was there...and to take a minute to slow down simply to pause and care for myself....UMMM NO thank you!

My husband would often ask me to sit and Relax, and I would always tell him

"It physically HURTS to sit down, it is NOT relaxing" or "We have two kids, there isn't time to sit and relax”

I would become more angry that others had time to sit and relax…that was not what I had felt, and I blamed it being a mom of 2 young kids

Even though I saw others were able to do it, do this thing called Relax

The thought of sitting was so painful, it made my body keep MOVING without purpose or intention, but move to stay out of pain


Because I’m wildly empathetic, it drove me even harder into helping others rid their pain by my techniques

Which left me continuing to push through, work harder, zipping around the house, the family, staying short tempered

It kept me from remembering what I enjoyed doing for fun

Because I had to keep running from the pain, there was no time for fun

It wasn't until I started to find the strategies from a business coach that started to help me understand the importance of mindset and the psychosocial part of healing that helped me with strategies to start to slow down to heal!


At the same time, I asked to receive the physical help for my physical pain too

By working on both of these together, is what helped me to heal and because of that, it is why I created my program: 

Reset, Recover, Rediscover program

To help you on ALL levels.  Because the biology of pain plays a HUGE role in the rest of your life

And if you’re anything like me, 

the pain drives you to holding onto unwanted irritation, keeping you short tempered and leaving you feeling guilty for acting that way

And you my friend, like me, are NOT an angry person

You are actually a joyful, loving and compassionate person full of amazing abilities 

One of those abilities is your super strength to keep pushing through

And if you choose to keep doing that, it’s always your choice

But if you’re ready to seek another option

One that shows you, you can actually get MORE done when you start to learn how to relax and ease pain

Then thats what I’m here for! 

If you’re ready to tackle this Send me a Message and Lets Connect

Keep Flowing Friends

💜 Lisa

Lisa Massie

Medical Movement Maven - Doctor of Physical Therapy - Orthopedics - Women’s Health - Holistic care


Self Compassion is Strength


There is No perfect chair