What to do for Sore Adventuring Feet?

Got sore feet when you’re walking on those beautiful sand beaches or mountain trails?

Remember to K.I.S.S.
<<<< Keep It Simple Sweetie >>>>

And do the simple moves to help those beautiful feet

If you need a little reminder (see below images)
Come back to this blog to remember you can do a
1. foot massage with a ball
2. Calf (gastroc) stretch
3. Soleus Stretch

Or ANY stretch or movement that you’ve been given in the past to help ease your discomfort.

No matter where you are
Simply remember to keep it simple sweet friend and enjoy your vaycay💜

One more reminder…Be compassionate to yourself and take time to thank your sweet feet for all of the adventures and memories it has give you.

Self Massage With Tennis Ball

For (at least) 2 minutes massage your foot and heel. For extra goodness, get up into your calf by sitting on the floor!

This helps to relax the soft tissue of the plantar fasica and all the incredibly strong and powerful muscles in your foot and lower leg.

For extra extra goodness, make sure to take this time to intentionally slow your breathing down

Relax your lower leg and you can even stay on the painful area as long as it makes you feel

“Ahh that feels good” or “It hurts so good”

and NOT “Gahhhhh thats awful”

Keep Breathing for all of these stretches.

I recommend holding for

5 second inhale and 5 second exhale

And repeat 3 times, then switch position

Classic Calf or Gastroc Stretch

Did you know you have 2 heads of your gastrocnemius (aka gastroc)?

The Medial and Lateral heads.

The Gastrocnemius becomes apart of your achilles tendon

And they both attach ABOVE your knee.

In order to stretch this muscle, you keep your back leg straight

Do your best to get your heel on the ground, which may mean you need to adjust your foot position.

You want to feel the stretch in the back of your calf.

For extra fun, angle your foot inwards and outwards, and see if you have a different stretch!

Soleus Stretch

Do you know what the soleus is?

It’s a powerful muscle that lays underneath the gastroc muscles.

This muscle also becomes apart of the achilles tendon


This muscle DOES NOT cross the knee

Which means to target this muscle, you gotta bend your back knee.

A tip here is to move in your foot closer to your front foot.

You want to feel this closer to the ankle and heel.

Need More Help for your sweet and sore feet? Or other lingering aches and pains?

There is much more information you can gain that will help you get the answers you need when you talk to a healthcare pro, like me!

Heel and foot pain is complicated (ALL PAIN IS COMPLICATED) and these pictures are reminders of simple movements YOU CAN DO to help ease your pain when you can’t get into see a healthcare pro…they are NOT meant to “fix” or “cure” this pain.

Foot pain is rarely a true plantar fasciitis and it’s much more helpful when you have a better idea of what your specific areas of pain are, to give you the best movements to help you move with more ease on your awesome adventures.

If you’re ready to put your health at the top of the list to keep making memories of awesome adventures, I invite you to

Schedule a complimentary 20 minute call here

Be Happy and Keep Playing friends!
💜 Lisa

Lisa Massie

Medical Movement Maven - Doctor of Physical Therapy - Orthopedics - Women’s Health - Holistic care


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